
    Why Companies Need a Flexible, Scalable Cloud System

    As companies generate increasing volumes of data, they are on the lookout for better data management solutions. The best solution available today is a cloud system which gives companies better control of their business data. Moreover, it is a less expensive solution compared to having your own data centre housed on your very own server. As time passes, data storage and management will make up an increasing proportion of a firm’s costs, the importance of efficient and secure data storage will drive more companies towards a cloud system.

    Companies can reap the benefits of a cloud system that offers efficiency, scalability and security only when the employees are capable of managing the cloud on their own. A breach of security or data can occur anywhere in the organization, or a maintenance issue can pop up anywhere. Employees need to be responsive and administer the right solution in line with the company IT policy. Without this preparedness, all the investment in a flexible, scalable cloud system will amount to nothing.

    Training the IT and general company staff for cloud management is critical to achieving the promised gain of such a network. It takes almost a year for a company to get its own data centre and it can quickly become obsolete if the employees cannot make the best use of it. Your investment in software and hardware can become a sunk cost in no time.

    For this reason, it is essential to invest in staff training through an Azure Administrator Certification as well as developing a cloud system which is flexible as well as scalable. With the right investment in training and resources, that your company can make incremental changes, upgrades and modifications when any new technology is developed or when a part of the system becomes obsolete.

    Here are 5 reasons why companies need a flexible, scalable cloud system:



    It goes without saying that a cloud system is more efficient and cheaper than having your own server or data centre. However, migrating all the data from your server to the cloud is not possible in one go. This holds true for IT staff trained in a CCIE Data Center Certification as well as for employees working in different departments across the company.

    The process of data migration takes place in stages, which makes it necessary for your cloud system to be flexible and scalable. The reason is that you do not want to lose out on the efficiency of the cloud system while your entire data is being transferred. By using a scalable system, you can benefit from greater control over your data, while also experiencing the efficiency of the cloud system.


    • Evaluating Different Cloud Technologies


    At the moment, there are at least three different models of cloud computing, the latest of which is the hybrid model. Under the hybrid cloud model, you can use a combination of public and proprietary cloud technologies to manage your data needs. The use of a hybrid system is gaining acceptance the world over, and within a few years, it will become one of the most dominant trends in cloud computing. Having a scalable system would allow you to switch data from the public component of your cloud to the proprietary one, and vice versa, depending on your business needs.

    However, most companies are still not aware of the potential of this technology and continue to invest in completely proprietary or completely public cloud systems. Raising awareness about this within your company is important for all employees to understand the technologies available in the market and to assess which of these offer the best value to your business.


    • Integrating With Other Systems And Technologies


    It is true that while a cloud system offers great potential to improve your data management practices vastly, there are other applications and benefits as well. For example, with CCIE Collaboration, you can integrate text data with voice and video data on the cloud. A flexible and scalable system would allow you to integrate your cloud system with other systems and processes in your company to achieve greater efficiencies throughout your organization.

    One such area is big data analytics which uses machine learning principles to revolutionize the way you store and process data for business insights. It gives you a clearer picture of how the data is distributed across your organization and what value it can provide for your e-commerce strategy.


    • Application Across Industries


    Companies in different industries have different data processing needs and use them in different ways to drive their decisions and strategies. Consequently, the value they derive from a cloud system is different. With a flexible and scalable cloud system, the advantage is that the system can be modified to be used in a healthcare company, a technology company or a service-based organization, without incurring a huge investment.

    The data storage needs can also be scaled up or down, depending on the scale of business operations. All of these benefits can be achieved only when the employees are trained in the proper use of these technologies.


    • Transfer Of Learning Among Cloud Users


    The greatest benefit of using a scalable and flexible cloud system is that the organization can continue to use it for the long term. As employees come and leave the organization, they accumulate knowledge about the system which becomes part of the company’s internal knowledge. By sharing such knowledge with other employees and teams, the organization climbs faster along the learning curve and enjoys efficiencies in the use of the system.

    In the absence of a scalable and flexible system, the company would have to discard its old system and invest in a new one each time the scale of its operations expanded. This would require employees to start on a new learning curve, without enjoying the benefits of working on the same system over time.


    The five reasons described above justify the use of a secure, scalable and flexible cloud system which would benefit IT professionals and other employees in your company. Considering the direction in which the future of cloud computing and data science is headed, this seems to be the smartest investment that a company can make today for their data resources.

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